Robogotchi Vibe Menu
The Vibe Menu is the main menu where you chill with your Robo. You can view a variety of info about your Robo here as well as access the main features of the virtual pet.
The Talk button will take you to the Talk screen where you can answer questions asked by your Robo.
The Hatch button will hatch a Robo egg into a Robo. This button will change to the evolve button if your Robo meets the evolution requirments.
The Play button will take you to the Play screen where you can select different games to play with your Robo.
The Heart icon represents your friendship with your Robo. Playing games or answering questions will increase the Hearts gauge. When all the hearts are full and your Robo has maximum EXP, they will evolve! Higher stage robos require more hearts to evolve further.
The Battery icon represents your Robos battery. Doing activites with your Robo will lower the battery. When it's empty, you'll have to wait for your Robo to recharge before playing with them again.